Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

direct - indirect

(+)  john said" i go to jakarta yesterday
       john said that he was go to jakarta the day before

(?) tono said "where do you want to go" ?
      tono ask me where i want to go ?


dialogue !

Indri: hello
Panji: hello
Indri:  i met you last night , what did you do?
Panji: where?
Indri:  not far from your house
Panji: oh, okay
Indri: okay, bye

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

tugas softskill b.inggris

10.shakes peare wrote that play
- that play was written by shakes peare

3. a new idea has not been sugested by bill
- bill hasn`t suggested a new idea

tugas softskill b.inggris

Smocking injuriesr health
I think smocking area is not needed inside the campus building. since if it is allowed it means  nobody cares regarding the health of the students.
In this case we expect the campus should take stricht action not to allow anybody smoking inside the campus building. If necessary the campus should give penalties for our students who brea the rules.
We should realize that if there is a smocking area inside the building it with make the students to make excuse during the leetures just to smoke in the smocking area while having a chat
So i would like to suggest that anybody who wants to smoke he can go to the open air.